My Picks for Top Tweets: 25 August 2017

My Picks for Top Tweets: 25 August 2017

I’ve had enough of the Twitter icon being the main image of every tweets post. So, I’m going to make the effort to copy a picture from one of the day’s tweets or comment from now on. Hopefully it’ll liven things up a bit. Today’s pic is...
My Picks for Top Tweets: 24 August 2017

My Picks for Top Tweets: 24 August 2017

The high pressure system is still in place so it’s another glorious day at my place! We’ve had a great week so far. At the moment I’m expecting it to start raining again on the weekend. I always feel guilty when that happens – a fine week...
My Picks for Top Tweets: 24 August 2017

My Picks for Top Tweets: 23 August 2017

It’s a glorious day in my part of New Zealand. Spring has sprung! There’s still a nip in the air, but who cares when the sun is shining and there are clear blue skies as far as the eye can see. There are a lot of tweets today, but I’m sure you...
My Picks for Top Tweets: 24 August 2017

My Picks for Top Tweets: 22 August 2017

I’m listening to Trump’s address to the troops announcing “his” plan for Afghanistan as I write this. Is it normal for there to be a fanfare before the president speaks like that? If a New Zealand prime minister’s speech had something...
My Picks for Top Tweets: 24 August 2017

My Picks for Top Tweets: 21 August 2017

It’s time to stop counting the days and try and come up with a more imaginative way to start a post on best tweets. (See what I did there! 😀 ) It’s a magnificent day in my part of New Zealand! It feels like it’s been raining for weeks, which is...