Trump Fiddles While Rome Burns

Trump Fiddles While Rome Burns

The military might of the modern US has been compared to that of the Roman Empire. Donald Trump appears to imagine himself in the role of its emperor. If there is a way he can exercise power without abiding by his country’s norms, he will use it. For example,...
Christmas Cartoons

Christmas Cartoons

I’m currently writing a post about the resignation of General Mattis and US Special Envoy Brett McGurk over Trump’s dreadful decision to withdraw US troops from Syria. However, it’s Christmas Eve in New Zealand and I still have a lot to do to prepare...

More Delusions About Religion

I saw this Letter to the Editor in George Takei’s Facebook feed yesterday. I’m not sure which newspaper it’s from, but it’s probably an Australian one because the writer is from Kalangadoo, which is a tiny settlement in South Australia....